Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Life In Utar and Kampar

Aikx.. Actually some1 ask me wen juz keep blog bout my love life... But din write bout my new life in UTAR... So now i blog my new life here... Dun come ask me d... XD... K... My new life in UTAR? Wat can best describe it? Borin!!!No entertainment!!! Not even MCD!!! But the atmosphere here quite nice de la... Got lake... 真所谓风凉水冷(In cantonese)... Lol... First reach here quite excited... Wit my buddy... Both start ki siao at UTAR, Kampar... XD... V very sampat at skul... V might very popular d... Cuz shouting and reli... Duno how 2 say... V dam c2pid de... First 4 days... Everyday v take chicken rice as our lunch... The 4th day v take chicken rice started wan vomit liao... Finally the 5th day... V hav our lunch at other stall... O else u guyz wil c us at hospital d... V ar too bored so v hav a party... BBQ birthday party... V play water tat nite... Me and Norelle kena the most worst... Whole face kena cream... Den she been bully by a boy usin Heineken pour over her body... So I'm very rich... I open the Heineken straight pour on top of tat boy... XD... Hu ask he bully my mummy... Ohya... Norelle iz my GAN MA... So muz protect her... But oso can't protect too much... She kena til very gai lo... Somemre wat I did?? Ohya... The day b4 back 2 penang... V guyz go karaoke... Sing for 3 hours until the my sound become... U noe I noe la... V finiz at 2am... Den back 2am our hostel by 3am... Whole nite was tinkin not 2 sleep... But... I kenot make it... I faint at 4.30am lidat... Den wake at 6am... Tat reli hard for me... Dam headache... Ok... Tat my 2 week in UTAR... Ohya... 4get to say sometingz else... I go do part time... Reason?? Not enuf money use... I make my spec here in Kampar... Dam expensive... Feel lik the ppl here lyin the price.. But no choice... No next tym!!!

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